Our Mission, Vision and Core Values

Posted by: West Georgia Eye Care Center in Frontpage Article on May 8, 2019

                                                   Where there is no vision, the people perish:

                            but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

While we at WGECC take our Mission, Vision and Values (see below) seriously; we also realize that there are multiple facets to these statements regarding our corporate philosophy and goals.


Our mission is to provide the highest quality and most technologically advanced medical, surgical, and optical eye care to the Columbus, Georgia community and surrounding region. We strive to achieve the goal of optimal vision for every patient in a professional and compassionate environment.


Our vision is to be the highest quality, most comprehensive eye care provider serving the West Georgia and East Alabama region.

Core Values:

Excellence: We are intentional in striving to provide superior clinical and administrative services so as to achieve exceptional clinical outcomes, patient experiences, and operational effectiveness.

Integrity: We are committed to the highest level of professionalism and ethics which guides all aspects of our work and relationships with patients, employees, health care providers and business associates.

Compassion: We understand and emphasize that our patients and co-workers are worthy of respect, focused attention, and support that is facilitated by empathy, listening, kindness, encouragement, and teamwork.

Faith:   We believe that faith is an integral component of healing, and an essential guide to be able to provide professional and high quality services to the entire community regardless of background.

Collegiality: Together, doctors and staff work to create an enjoyable work environment that nurtures mutual respect, professional growth and collective achievement; and which fosters mutually supportive relationships with the medical community.

Community: As a member of the medical community serving the West Georgia and East Alabama region, we value and appreciate the trust and support the community has placed in our practice. As such, we seek to ensure that West Georgia Eye Care not only continues to provide advanced and accessible health care services, but that it also gives back to the community both locally and abroad in the form of time, talents, and resources.


 At one level, we do desire to be the best eye care provider in our region, applying the knowledge and skills acquired through years of training to improve the lives of our patients; but, at another level we also desire to have an impact not only on the physiology of human vision, but also on the person as a whole.

 These are lofty ambitions, and we realize all too quickly; however, that we are only human, and that in order to have a lasting, ‘whole person’ impact we must serve a cause greater than our own desires, even if those desires are to improve the vision of others. 

The timeless scripture from the book of Proverbs reminds us that without a life-purpose, mission and vision our efforts are futile.  In this case, the writer reminds us that keeping God’s law by living life (for us that’s providing eye care) according to the principles of love, service, and sacrifice are essential to fulfillment.

 We hope and pray that we are able to fulfill our own Mission, Vision, and Values with each and every patient encounter, and appreciate the trust placed by you, our patients.