Why We Blog? Our Patients Inspire Us!

Posted by: West Georgia Eye Care Center in Frontpage Article on June 20, 2017

At our clinics, our patients are why we do what we do, including our blog. That sounds like a marketing phrase but it is true.  It is fitting that our patients are not only the targeted recipients of our blogs, but they are also the primary inspiration for it.  We always have stories for and about our patients so subject matter is easy to come by.  Last week’s blog was on a recently FDA approved treatment (Crosslinking) for a previously untreatable disease (Keratoconus).  That is a message that we enjoyed sharing and it brought to mind several patients.  Some of our patients who have progressed forms of the disease will not benefit from the new treatment, but their children (genetic inheritors of the same disease) may have a better life because of it.

West Georgia Eye Care Center has been blogging for over two years, now.   We are convinced that there is value in this blogging and we appreciate the benefits of how blogging makes us more connected to our patients and to the community we serve.  Last week, the local ABC affiliate picked up our Crosslinking story and came to one of our locations to interview Dr. Brooks (one of our corneal fellowship trained surgeons).  How wonderful that the message of this promising new treatment is being shared!  We want everyone who may benefit from it to receive the message.  Blogging helps us connect that way!

Follow this link to view the WTVM story!
